Monday, August 19, 2019

Return to Vienna

Returning to the ship in Bratislava, Klaus has invited Christina Steininger aboard to perform a wine tasting in conjunction with a Chef Jacques cooking demonstration.

We depart Bratislava by night.
We left the balcony door open overnight and the fresh air gave us an excellent sleep.

CJ woke at 0530 to observe sunrise.  Shortly thereafter, we entered the lock just downriver and in sight of  Vienna.
Today our selected tour is to Belvedere Castle. It was the summer palace.  Is it any wonder that the nobility were overthrown when an opulent summer palace is built only a few miles and within sight of the winter palace.  At least in Romania the summer palace was a long distance from Bucharest and located in the mountains. And if that's not enough, the larger of the two buildings on the grounds was used only for partying.
The larger palace is now an art museum.  Our guide seems to be fixated on the artists love lives since she explains the art in terms of its sexual meaning to them.  One of the other groups informs us the story from their guide was similar. The painting below is the most famous in the museum and is called The Kiss.
 We must endure the tales of this ladies sex life with the painter through at least three galleries and five paintings.
Following the tour, we race across town to Stadpark to the restaurant with the great food only to find it closed for the holiday. The only good thing is CJ gets a picture of the golden Johann Strauss statue on this visit.
We settle for ok Italian before catching the bus in front of the famous Vienna Opera House back to the boat.

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