Monday, August 26, 2019

Our French "Daughter"

When we met Florian, she was three years old and Carol began teaching her French a fork and spoon at a time. She also colored on our newly painted walls. Ten or twelve years later, she came to the U.S. for the summer and stayed with us to learn English. This occurred a year after our French "son", from another family, did the same.

Three years ago we wheeled Carol on a broken foot to her wedding. Today we return to view the results of the remodeling of their condo, spend a fun evening and have a fine dinner.

The three of them set out to explore the elements of nature in their neighborhood as CJ, still being under the weather, sits out the short walk.

They return for cocktails.
Vincent prepares a fine pork dinner.
Dinner provides additional time to catch-up, share good food and wine and pay tribute to this very special relationship.

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