Thursday, August 22, 2019

Passau and Český Krumlov

We dock in Passau.

We had originally decided to take the Passau walking tour and avoid the 2-hour ride, each way to and from the Czech Republic and Český Krumlov.  We heard many reports on the beauty of the city and changed our minds.

The walking tour of Český Krumlov begins with a hike to the top of the castle where a Tauck unique special treat awaits.  We given a tour of the private theater, the oldest and most well preserved of its kind in the world.  CJ is researching private tours of the inner workings and technology of the theater. If I posted every snuck picture of it, I couldn't depict the theater's magnificence. 

Many people of upset to watch our two groups enter and depart the theater, locking the door behind us.  From there we begin a slow but deliberate tour down to the castle's entrance in the city. We pass through one courtyard after another.

Views of the city from the top of the castle are breathtaking.
The tour concludes with a tour of the lower city and views of the castle from below.
At the conclusion of the tour we given 20 Euro's per couple to spend on lunch.  We also receive an annotated map with the location of good restaurants. CJ selects one serving the beer made by the family who makes his favorite Austrian beer, Samiclaus.
 We've ordered local pork dish, local trout dish and schnitzel; all very good.
In spite of detours, we're back in time for Chef's cooking demo and for CJ to sample a REAL Budweiser, not that stuff Anheiser-Busch.

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