Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Another Day in Paradise

Wake to a beautiful morning in the paradise called Provence.
Ask Gibson if wants a "promenade" and he's running up the driveway with leash in mouth.

Who knew when under the weather CJ agreed to accompany, it would be even a longer trek than the last time.  Apparently Gibson's promenade is also known as the Chateaurenard Half Marathon, or at least that the way it feels on his return. The walk is through a large city park adjacent to their property.  Along the way we pass orchards, vineyards, a new university and are treated to a view of Avignon and it's famous Palais du Papes; it's the huge white structure left of middle.
At least there is a pool waiting.

Is it decadent to have duck for lunch?  These are duck breasts the size of which we've not previously seen. The salad presentation is gorgeous.
 No doubt.  Tis a decadent lunch, and this is the second course.

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