Friday, August 2, 2019

Long and Winding Road, Air, Rail To and Through Europe 2019

Our bizarre trek through Europe begins in Atlanta, Georgia, USA with a visit to CJ's mom. We departed a day behind schedule yet a day before road resurfacing denied us use of our street.

Following the long drive to Atlanta we dined at Maru Sushi, our favorite sushi restaurant and one of the best in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. Chef continues to amaze with his weekly specials.  We can't remember the last time we ordered from the menu.  Mom has been weaned of her shumai and dumplings and now eats what we eat which means we can order an extra item from the specials menu. Suni, the owner, is marvelous as usual.
Nearly everything we attempt to do on Friday fails.  By necessity, cocktail hour comes early and consists of  goat cheese marinated in herbs and olive oil followed by a dinner of Key West shrimp.

A relaxed Saturday brought us back to our roots for a pierogi lunch and  a trip to Frozen Cow for ice cream. They mix whatever you want and then super-freeze it into ice cream with liquid nitrogen.
Their huge servings drove an ever-changing dinner plan.  CJ discovered his favorite beers that he cannot purchase anywhere near home and picked up a few six packs for our return.

A rich Alaskan King Crab appetizer (mother's first) ended up serving as dinner and the goat cheese chicken was pushed a day.
Dinner was preceded by a mini ale tasting of Grumpy Old Men (of Blue Bridge, GA) Choco Blanco and Boulevard (of Kansas City, MO).

Our car is safely stored in mom's garage for two months.

On Sunday we worked through final packing to prepare for an early Monday morning departure for Virginia. Following a shrimp appetizer, Carol served chicken in olive oil, goat cheese and herbs. Mother was treated to a new after dinner drink, Amerullo, from South Africa. One taste and she declared, "If God made all alcohol this good, the world would be drunk!"

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