Wednesday, August 28, 2019

An afternoon with our French "Son"

On Sunday afternoon we are honored by the arrival of Vincent, our French "Son", and his fiancé.  They have driven up from Marseille to spend the afternoon and have dinner with us.

It's a fine day for relaxing by the pool.  For part of the time we watch as Vincent performs yard maintenance on devices he's installed to catch bugs.
Dominique prepares for cocktails.
Cocktails in the heat send CJ and Christian back to the pool.
 Christian keeps producing one fine dinner and lunch after another from his outdoor wood-fired grill; excellent meats, an outstanding cook, and the perfect cooking tool.  It doesn't get better.
Alas, they must drive back to Marseille to work tomorrow.  It's been short but wonderful visit.  We're honored they made the drive to see us.

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