Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Trip to Brittany

We overnight in a cute old mill guest house near Poitiers.  Unfortunately with both of us under the weather we are unable to take advantage of the marvelous gardens.

There are apparently major corn oil and sunflower oil industries in France.  In over 2000 km of driving we have passed countless fields.

We hit gridlock traffic at the approach and beltway of Nantes.  While bypassing the traffic Carol spies a brewpub.  This is a find.  Bieres e Choppes is the largest of its kind in France and there are five of them around Nantes.  CJ has come to France and found heaven.  Their selection of Belgium brews is extraordinary.
There is a mix-up in Lorient and we never connect with the people who are supposed to guide us to our apartment.  This will be a fight with the Vacation Rental By Owner people since the reservation was pre-paid.

We call friends and beg to arrive a day early. At least we're now in Brittany and entering the relaxing part of the vacation.

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