Thursday, September 5, 2019

CJ is off to find and view the "lighthouse of the Virgin Island" or "Phare de l'Île Vierge". It is an 82.5m granite structure begun in 1897 located off the city of Plouguerneau. As well as he knows the roads of Brittany, getting to such a famous place is, for once, not well marked.
There is supposed to be a boat to the island but CJ later finds its schedule is tide dependent and CJ has arrived at low tide; a very low tide.  Tides on this coast of Brittany are second in the world in amplitude.

Boats here, are designed to withstand the ebb and flow of tides.
On his return trip, he crosses L'Aber Vrac'h.  Both the village and aber (river) have featured prominently in CJ's distance past; as in nearly 30 years ago.
The last stop of the day is in Saint-Pabu, located on the banks of L'aber Benoit.  It is a few miles of walking from the shores of Meznaot. Friends of ours own the oyster business shown on the opposite shore.

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