Monday, September 2, 2019


We have arrived at Meznaot, the 15th century manor of our friends.  The construction of the manor dates from sometime in the 1490's.  For history buffs, Columbus did something during that same timeframe.

It should be a relaxing week at the manor.  The house of old stones has 3 foot thick walls, windows ports in many forms and is a gorgeous peninsula property (at least at high tide).  During the week we shall pick blackberries and apples, wander the local area, rest and naps. The first image is that of the pigeonry; a place where in ancient times, pigeons flew in through a small hole in the roof and were unable to escape.  They were harvested for food and eggs.
This is a view of the main manor house and one of the walls with small slits for defending by shooting arrows. It was a different time way back when

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