Monday, September 16, 2019

Liberation and Reenacting

On Saturday at the market, we run into a friend of Didier and Jocelyne who is bizarrely dressed in a WWII US. Army uniform.  It appears, just as CJ has reenacted the American Civil War, the French reenact the Liberation.

We locate the camp in Le Conquet. The men have gathered incredible equipment and set-up camp.
 Eventually, we watch a demonstration of this working anti-aircraft gun.
 Two 50-cals in a machine gun nest.
 The encampment.
 A deuce and a half; classic and vintage.
 This Airborne officer gives us a weapons briefing.
 There are the most interesting items in some of these vehicles.
Talking with the young soldiers and these guys were very young reenactors; so warming to see.
It was incredible how the older French visitors, ones old enough to have lived through the Liberation, expressed their gratitude once finding we were Americans.  They will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. One of my old friends was on the first wave on D day What horrible stories he would tell. What courage
