Monday, September 23, 2019

Le Mont Saint Michel

How many times has CJ been to Le Mont Saint Michel?

Today his visit has a new purpose.  He has not visited since they reconstructed the access causeway, created a dam to control the flow of the local river to support flushing the area around the mount, and changed access for visitors.

There is new visitor parking and a shuttle bus system.
The bus ride to the abbey does not take long.  It takes longer to load the bus and wait for the driver to decide to depart.
The bus drops visitors a hundred meters from the abbey. CJ walks the mud flats before entering.
CJ spends a half hour within the walls of the city enjoying morning tea. These pictures are from the first few hundred feet inside the walls. There are far more beautiful views and streets as one climbs the city.
It's apparent that given the significantly reduced tidal coefficient of the day, there will be no dramatic entry of the tide; only a normal (at least for this bay) return of the water.
LMSM remains one of the most beautiful and dramatic sights on the planet.

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