Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Paris and Notre Dame

After spending the morning in Maxime's condo catching up on email and blogging, we make the short drive into Paris.

Waiting for our room, we enjoy a fantastic long lunch at a nearby restaurant. Portions have grown outrageously in the 30 years we've been visiting France.  It's not a good sign for the French waistline but the huge hunk of fall off the bone lamb was delicious.
In the afternoon, we paid homage to Notre Dame but not before a mandatory stop at Bertillon for its famous sorbet.  We were pleasantly surprised.  There is significant progress already made in the restoration of the cathedral.
 This is a close up view of the work going on behind the front façade through the grate.
During the walk of 10,000 steps (according to the Fitbit), CJ captured sights of La Seine and the Latin Quarter.
 River traffic on the Seine.  Note the car on the stern.
What would a trip to Notre Dame be without the short obligatory diversion across the little bridge to Ille St. Louis and the Bertillon restaurant for a few boules of their sorbet. Purists, as we were in our younger days, would walk the two additional blocks to the original sorbet-only shop.
The Panthéon, the 18th-century mausoleum with colonnaded facade, housing remains of notable French citizens. It's located near the hotel.
 There weren't any of these Star Wars looking river tour boats when we last sailed on the Seine.
We find it impossible to hail a taxi and make the return climb to our hotel. They've decorated our room with rose petals everywhere including the bathroom.

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