Monday, September 16, 2019

Saint Renan Market Day

After too many overcast, rainy and cold days, we get a spectacular warm Saturday, just in time for market morning in Saint Renan.  The market runs the length of the village from top to bottom and is one of the largest and longest markets we've seen in France. They have everything from seafood to whole cooked baby pigs, from spices to cheese, from vendors solely devoted to olives to vendors with entire vehicles just for the rotisserie of chickens.  There are craft and clothing vendors as well as purveyors of food and drink.  It's as much a social experience as a shopping experience.
Fresh seafood.  We'll dine on the lobster the next evening.  They will still be alive when the cooking starts. How resilient is a lobster?  Cut it in half, slather it with a sauce and ready it for the oven and it remains alive.
Hook it up to the truck every morning.  Drive to the location of the day's market.  Load the machine with chickens, fire up the gas, add potatoes and begin selling.  Drive home, clean, and start again the next day.
The town square in Saint Renan is very picturesque.  So much so, that they limit the market stalls to the immediate street at the base of the square. The square is only a quarter of the way through the market.
The local wine shop was once the prison.  Down below in the area of the cells one finds very old bottles lining the floor.
And what have we found in the town square.  We come across a friend of Didier and Joceylene dressed as an American GI.  There is a reenactment in Le Conquet on Sunday.

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