Saturday, December 2, 2017

Rain and Prayer

It's ASHES eve.  CJ begins the day taking one of the city's free buses back to our old neighborhood to pick up a six pack of wine.  The courier gave us no notice, did not call our phones.  The only reason we knew of the delivery is that K1 by Geoff Hardy sent an email with the tracking info.  The courier attempted delivery, without our knowledge, dropped it at a grocery store, and really didn't give a crap.

At the same time, the same courier company was finally re-delivering the three six packs from Teusner after a week and a heated call from CJ yesterday.

In the afternoon, we mailed Christmas presents, fax'd material to our US doctors, had a drink at a local pub, and returned to the market for a bit of shopping.

We're praying for the rain to blow out by the morning. Off to light a few candles.

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