Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve dinner is with James and Jackie at their Adelaide home.  Their address was 12 Tomsey, ours was 16 Tomsey. Carol's Christmas pudding is finally finished.  We walk a few blocks, catch the free bus to the East side, and then walk a few more blocks to the house. It has been a marvelous day; comfortably cool for this time of year. A summer Christmas tree adorns the patio.
Australian Christmas begins with their incredible prawns.  They are always so good. James opens a bottle of his first vintage 1997 cabernet. We've previously enjoyed the 98, 99, 00 and 01 and all have been magnificent.
 For Oz, this is a big turkey.  James plates huge portions.
Good wine, good friends, good food and a Christmas pudding.  Doesn't get much better.

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