Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ashes - Day 1

The first day-night pink ball Ashes begins under threatening skies. Instead of cueing with our mates three hours before the gates open, we can arrive early since our luncheon reservations begin an hour before the first ball and continue through the entire first session.
Just like the last Ashes, the opening day seems to bring on the coldest of Adelaide weather. Today it's cold and windy.  We are thankful for having managed the lunch tickets.

While hiding from the wind while remaining close to the entrance to the lunch room, we have the chance to watch the English team in the nets.
We are among the first into the luncheon room.  Our table is one of the final to fill.  With the vast majority of the room filling with blokes, eight young women fill our table. Lunch is a three course meal with unlimited beer, white wine, red wine and in the case of our table (after a brief word with management) unlimited bottles of bubbly. It seems the wait staff are more used to serving unlimited beer to the blokes and can't get the concept of substituting bubbly for beer until otherwise directed by management.
The luncheon room looks down on the Village Green members food court. It's a fine place to get a bite if you're not fortunate to get luncheon tickets or find them more than you're willing to fork out.
Mother would love the desert tables.  Lots of selections including a chocolate fountain. Too bad it wasn't dark chocolate.
In order to prepare for the dinner seating, patrons are shuffled out at 4pm.  Rain continues to delay play and it' remains cold and windy.  We elect to watch the action if they resume from the comfort of our apartment.

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