Friday, December 1, 2017

R&R Continues

Lots of walking Tuesday.  CJ had a good morning exercise walk along Port Road, past the old Adelaide jail (Gaol), along the Torrens River walking path and return.

Not long after, we walked to the main Adelaide CBD shopping street, Rundle Mall, picked up a phone for Carol and took in a reduced priced Tuesday matinee movie. Later in the day we walked back across town to meet mates for an evening of Belgium beer and dinner.
Wednesday was supposed to be in the mid 90's. As the day progressed the temperature continued rising topping off at 103°F, reported to be a record high by three degrees.  The good news is that the feel like temp is also 103°F.  We needed to make a run to the market and proved the value of "dry heat".  We'd never be able to go anywhere in Virginia at this temperature. In Adelaide we comfortably walked the block to the tram, sat and waited for it, walked the two blocks to the market and repeated it on the return.

Our day was rounded out with a dinner of Vietnamese cold spring rolls, first laundry in the apartment, and the Victoria Secret show from .Shanghai.....and a bit of wine.  

On Thursday, the high dry heat was followed by mid-90's and humidity.  CJ and Louie had lunch at a new burger joint which proved a tasty drop.
Afterward, they popped over to the Oval to pickup tickets. The POMs were practicing. Won't do them any good.  Let the sledging begin!
The Adelaide riverfront is gorgeous, and even more so now that the ugly concrete brick used to dock boats has been turned into a party venue that includes cricket nets and ball machine.
Rain has returned to Adelaide.  Rain, rain go away,... at least in time for cricket.

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