Friday, December 22, 2017

Early Christmas with the Mullins

After a busy day running about town, we spent the evening having Christmas dinner with Bronwyn and Neil. A magnum of one of Langmeil's best wines was one gift.  The other gift was the photo album book CJ designed from our Africa trip.  This was the revision 2 version with expanded sections that included the Mullins' extra days and days we were at different locations.
The South Africa theme continued.  Carol's gift was a food pairing guide and CJ's a guide to South African wines.  There was also a pocket book of Australian slang and a detailed guide to South Australian hangouts.

Neil used his new barbie and did a fine job on the turkey. Bronwyn set a great table of accompanying foods and CJ provided three different bottles of red wines from Teusner. It's clear we'll wake in far better shape tomorrow than we did after our last dinner of over indulgence.

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