Sunday, December 10, 2017

Busy Days

Does the pace slow after cricket?  The day after the cricket CJ and Carol have physio appointments, Carol goes shopping after her afternoon appointment.

CJ walks to the Oval to check for Carol's missing jacket following his physical therapy.  He passes through the Pinky Flats recreational area on the way. It's an event destination in the river parklands. Last week an event was taking place there.  Today it's more of a day to day beach-themed party location complete with beach volleyball court, beach-like setting and a pool. We must plan a return some weekday afternoon.
We're attending an event on Friday and Carol's volunteered to bring a fancy potato salad.
The next day we are up early to catch the 0900 tram to a rendezvous point for our ride to Rapid Bay.  One of our neighbors on Tomsey Street was holding a book launch and unveiling a creative community painting. With local dignitaries in attendance, a plaque on the local water tank was unveiled. Sia organized local school children to paint a concrete water tank.
Each of the individual paintings on the tank have been signed by the young artist; note the ages.
Following dedication of the painted water tank, Sia's first children's book is launched.
A fine Aussie barbie at their beach shack follows complete with a fine array of snags and meat.

We're back in Adelaide in time for the evening's social engagement. Bronwyn has organized a short cocktail party to give us our only chance to see her father Brian and his wife Sue. We get extra lucky when Walter and Kay ring up and announce they are in town. That is Brian and Kay with Carol on the couch. Sue and Neil are on the other couch with Walter and Brian in the final picture. These people are so much fun.  We always have a great time with them.  
Since we're not likely to have a car, Walter intends to conspire to get us up to their place in the Claire Valley before our departure.

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