Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Neighborhood Christmas Party in the Park

Why are there no relaxing days?  Saturday Carol has to go to the market to get fixings for the Christmas party.  CJ has to go into town to replenish the after-dinner drink stocks.  Carol accompanies him into town so that she can bring the shopping trolley back while he goes off for a walk along the magnificent river trails.
Sunday morning we observe the dismantling of one of those towering hi-rise construction cranes. We follow it until it's time to depart for our neighborhood Christmas party.
Our plan to get to the picnic gets upended.  There are two free bus routes to Hutt St. The tighter/quicker one doesn't run on Sunday.  Arriving at the pickup point for the other, we realize there will be no bus. King William St. is closed for the televised Christmas by Candlelight concert in Elder Park.  We're forced to take the tram and walk the length of Halifax St. from the City South stop. Earlier in the day, CJ had a walk along the river and passed by the sound stage for the evening's show. The day before he watched the dress rehearsal during his walk.
There is a good turn out for the Tomsey Street in the Park Christmas Picnic. The usual suspects are there as well as a number of new folks. Steven insists the Oval was not open for the last Ashes series.  He refuses to believe when CJ insists that since he was there Steven is wrong.  By the next day, Steven realizes it not a good idea to debate an anal engineer.  CJ deluges him with confirming documentation.

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