Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Our New Aloe

We purchased the small aloe plant reported on earlier. It put out one flowering shoot that provided us entertainment for a month. We found two pots of aloe plants with many shoots about to burst forward. We bought them in hopes they would put on a similar show.

A second blog will chronicle the monster aloe bush next door. They have a monster bush growing against our wall.

We purchased two plants and shortly after arriving the shoots began to flower. In this picture the bare stalk in the background is on the original plant. It will be gone two pictures from now.

The stalks have flowered out with the first lower buds going to seed.
Half the buds have gone to seed.
Many of the buds have gone to seed and dropped off with only a few remaining. Picture was taken near the first day of Spring.
Most of the flowers have gone to seed. A year from now we will enjoy the flowing again.


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