Saturday, September 11, 2021

City Lights

As part of the Adelaide winter festival Illuminate Adelaide, one of the features is City Lights. Buildings along North Terrace and Rundle and Hindley Streets are illuminated to draw the public into the city. Our experience begins on Rundle Mall with a musical balloon that changes colors.

This building changes colors.
Continuing on to Hindley Street, the Adelaide Symphony Organization building is lighted and changing colors.


After a stop to have a drink with sommelier, Mark at Stem, we view the walls lit up with images on the walls of adjacent buildings.

Since the start of COVID, we have not taken the tram often. Before COVID we took it multiple times daily. With Carol's foot acting up, we take it to the museum stop.

There is a changing image on a Rundle St. building.
This building changes colors.
These are a sample of light attractions along the museum row.


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