Sunday, September 19, 2021

Vincent Van Gogh Alive

We attend this with Bronwyn and her mother. Pictures do not do the experience justice. The experience is well done. It begins with a wall display of the technology of the exhibit and a mock up of Van Gogh's room. 
You walk through a hanging light display before entering huge dark rooms where the work's of Van Gogh are projected to classical music and vignettes related to his artistic periods.
Most people must stand throughout the exhibit. In one room Bronwyn finds a seat for her mom. In the other room, CJ finds a quiet seat and enjoys the pictures and music. From his seat, he can see multiple screens in both rooms as well as a screen on the floor.
We exit the exhibit into a field of sunflowers just like the parts of Provence where Van Gogh spent his final years. 
Bronwyn's mom is impressed when at 11am, when we sit down for a pastry, CJ has purchased a bottle of French champagne for the four of us. She thinks it is great drinking champagne in the morning.

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