Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Making Chili

CJ could not find the chili recipe on the computer. While talking with Claude and Marine, we discovered that she was making our recipe. She sent us a copy of the Texas recipe we use.

We have been making this recipe for 40 years!  We make a large pot, freeze most of it, and use it for meals for months. It always made a great meal to take to Killington for apres-ski meals.

Previously Carol would cut and trim the beef while CJ braised the meat and added the spices. She has found pre-cut and pre-trimmed beef at Costco. She only need lay out and dry the meat and then season it. CJ does the rest.

When he braises, it trashes the entire kitchen. The mirrored backsplash takes the brunt of the splatter. The floor becomes slippery like a skating rink. By the time he is finished, the stove will be awash in avocado oil.
The beef goes into a large pot. It is covered with beer. We used nearly 10 pounds of beef. It needed 8 beers.
Once the 18 spices are added, it cooks for a couple of days until the beef begins to break up. With this recipe, the results are always very good.

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