Monday, September 6, 2021

Light Creatures

The is another festival in Adelaide, The Festival City. This one is a winter festival call Adelaide Illumination. One event is held at the Adelaide Zoo and is called Light Creatures. It is not advertised as a children's event but after we walk through it, we find it disappointing. There are not as many creatures as we had expected and it is targeted to children. 

The first display are a pair of giraffe that change colors.
They have lit up trees throughout the zoo.
There is a long serpent with a moving head.
Adelaide Zoo is one of the few zoos around the world that has Giant Pandas on loan from China. There is a light creature panda display that changes colors.
These pelicans are real. It is their pen that is lit.
A tent has been built where adults can get drinks and food.
We go to the normal snack bar for a bubbly and pastry.
There is an exceptionally beautiful lit tree.
In this last display, the creatures head moves, and the tree changes colors.


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