Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stem Pinot Noir Tasting

Every Stem wine luncheon or dinner is different. You can guarantee that Mark will line up good wine. On this occassion, it appears that since this one was planned at the last minute, and because it is Father's Day weekend in Australia, turnout is disappointing. Instead of 16 guests where the presenters stand. There are six guests, the husband and wife winemaking team are seated and dining with us; and they have a friend. How will that impact the quality of the event?

The fellow in the yellow shirt and the Asian woman in black are the winemakers. This is a different event. Every wine, either red or white, is made from the Pinot Noir grape. It is not a variety that grows well in Australia and most Australian Pinot Noir wines are very bad.

This couple has the highest altitude vineyard in South Australia far up in the Adelaide Hills. Their wines are excellent. The afternoon is like we and the Hahn's have  the winemakers over to our house for an intimate luncheon.

We are certain Mark is disappointed with the turnout, but from our perspective it is the best Stem event ever!

The food consists of seafood dishes. It is the best food ever at one of these events.
As a former winemaker, James is in his element talking winemaker to winemaker. He thoroughly enjoys the event.

We dine and taste and chat about the wine in a comfortable, intimate setting. The winemakers seem genuinely pleased having six knowledgeable wine enthusiasts to chat with.

We chat for so long that the winemaker opens at least two additional bottles. Both are consumed at the conversation continues unabated. We are ready to open yet another bottle and continue on into the night when Mark returns and  must ask us to leave. He must free the room for an evening event.

We have no Pinot Noir in our cellar. We purchase a case of their rarely seen white Pinot and a case of the red. James and Jackie are apparently impressed. They order a six pack of his expensive best Pinot.

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