Tuesday, October 5, 2021

New Crepe Machine - First Try

We have a crêpe machine in the US. Now we have one here. 

It has been forever since we have made crêpes and it always takes practice to reacquire the skill. We are making a blé noir (black wheat) or buckwheat savory crêpe. In Brittany the savory crêpe is called a galette. A desert crêpe is referred to as a crêpe.

La complète  is the most famous galette recipe. It consists of jambon, oeuf et fromage Gruyère (ham, egg, and Gruyère cheese.) The machine is ready, the Gruyère shredded, the ham cut to size, eggs at the ready.

The first crêpe is usually a throw away. Today, the first one is a keeper. The second one is better. The third is a mess. CJ gets excited and puts the egg on before he turns the crêpe. He salvages it by cooking one side longer and slower.

Carol's batter is perfect. The taste is spot on.

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