Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Walter and Kay's International Renown Heritage Gardens - Part 1

Kay is manning the desk when we arrive. We're invited to view the gardens while she retrieves Walter. We have been here a number of times. Once we came for a two-evening stay in their B&B cottage. It was the time we visited our Tomsey St. neighbors who had a place in the Clare.

Carol came with the ladies to dead head roses. We've also been up with Bronwyn and Neil for drinks and a snack a couple of times.

There is a 10AUD entrance fee, obviously waived for us. The property is larger than we remembered. Walter had his original house moved from Adelaide to the Clare Valley which is why it is a historic and heritage listed home.

The gardens surround open spaces often used for weddings. This statue stands in a large area in front of the house. The pavilion to the right of the arbor is often used for wedding ceremonies. 
The next part of the walk features a lot of roses, poppies, and other flowers.

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