Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Longwood Wine Pickup with Phil

After lunch at Pizzateca, we return to Phil's winery to purchase a couple of cases of wine. We're treated to a koala viewing. This first picture is Phil holding up the evidence: koala poo. The second picture is part of the trail of koala poo that leads us to the tree.

Fortunately CJ remembered he had his Nikon in the car. There's the little fellow.
Phil and Lauren have a nice garden next to the warehouse.
Back in the house, Phil demonstrates a family heirloom. He and Lauren were visiting some place where Phil's family was from when a lady came up to Phil and told him the church has something of his. It was this Estey JJ model portable reed organ from Burlington, Vermont. The organ folds up into a box not much larger that the main body of the organ. These portable organs were used by missionaries throughout the world.


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