Friday, November 20, 2020

Bondar and Lino Ramble Tasting

We considered walking to our next tasting but Paul insisted on driving us. He is going to leave the dog in charge of the cellar door. As we begin to load his car, his wife arrives to man the door.

The next cellar door is actually a historic heritage home turned into a cellar door cooperative for three wineries. Lino Ramble is located in what once was the front bedroom. CJ has never heard of them but Carol knows them for a rare grape they vinify.

Bob is very knowledgeable and interesting. He suggests that there is good wine in the Riverlands which we find impossible to believe. He will send us the names of the good ones. We purchase a mixed case of Italian varietals.

We've kept Selina waiting long enough. The next room down the hall houses the Bondar cellar door. Co-owner Selina is hosting our tasting. They are normally closed on this day but CJ made arrangements for a private tasting.

Those colorful items on the bookshelf are wine awards won by Bondar. Selina conducts an excellent tasting and we purchase two cases; one mixed red and one mixed white.
An Uber delivers us the 2 km to the Salopian Inn for lunch.

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