Sunday, December 9, 2018

Day 3 and 4 - India vs Australia Test

CJ's guest for cricket days 3 and 4 is Bronwyn and Neil's son, Louis; and his mates.  It's going to be a fun two days. Between moving about the Oval to meet Louis' mates, we explore all parts of the Oval; many that CJ has never visited.
Shortly after we arrive at the Oval, Louie's mate Nick arrives. He's the bloke in the white shirt.  Prete, is the Indian mate from Sydney. They've been mates since high school.  Louie works at the pub Nick manages on Friday nights.
There is a bar that looks over the CBD high up in the Riverfront Stand.  Louis organizes to meet Niran, another life mate from high school.
I haven't been on the hill since our very first visit to the Oval back in 2008 when Carol and I attended the Australia/India One Day International (ODI).  I also begged my way into the oldest manual scoreboard during an earlier business trip to Adelaide during a state cricket match. The scoreboard is a technological marvel.
On Day 4, Neil and Louis pick me up and we get dropped at the Wellington Hotel for brekkie. The grilled haloumi, avocado, hollandaise and poached egg on toast is delicious. The reason Louis picked this place is that they have a free shuttle to the cricket.
The first seats today are nearly at field level. We move to somewhere I've never been previously; up to the highest seating in the Riverfront Stand. These seats are so high up that we look down on people on the Oval Roof Walk.
Eventually we return to more normal seating.

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