Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Adelaide Gaol

It was a hot day and CJ decided to take a long walk up past the Royal Adelaide Hospital and back up the Torrens River along Riverwalk past the Weir. He departed in cloudy conditions and in less than 50 yards sunlight broke out; and CJ hadn't lathered up with sunscreen.

From our apartment, the river side of the road is lined with a tall UniSA building, a tall University of Adelaide building, a boat-shaped SA Health building, leading to the new Royal Adelaide Hospital.
We lived in Adelaide nearly three years.  We've been back five times and never has either of us visited the historic Adelaide Gaol, or jail. Today in the middle of CJ's long walk, the Gaol inserted itself, mostly as a bit of reprieve from the sun and heat.
Departing the Gaol, CJ retraces in reverse the previous day's walk to the Weir. The first picture shows the parklands on each side of the Torrens below the pedestrian tunnel.
 This is a picture of blokes playing golf on the other side of the river.
The sound of water rushing over the Weir is the first evidence that it's near and it begins to peak through the dense foliage.  It eventually comes into view.
 CJ is taking pictures of pelicans when Popeye sails past headed to the Weir.
Between heat and sun he cuts the walk short and returns via the Morphett Street bridge. From the bridge, our apartment is visible. Our apartment is on the front corner.  Last year we were on the 14th floor.  The top floor is 17.  This year, our corner unit is on the 10th floor.
The remainder of the day was spent napping from exertion and heat, having a fine Costco filet dinner with an excellent Langmeil Orphan Bank.

A fine evening was completed watching our local Big Bash League (BBL) team, beat the Brisbane Heat from Brisbane and Carol's boy (her favorite) Rashid Kahn named man of the match.  Hoorah!
Two days before, we had a chance encounter finding Rashid alone and in uniform in the lobby of our apartment building.
Rashid is from Afghanistan and is fun to watch.  He's a great spin bowler, takes a lot of wickets, is fast when in the field and is ALWAYS SMILING.

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