Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day

There is a special and delicious (obviously) jelly we've been using for years.  Coincidentally it's made by someone named Carol.
We make a number of Christmas morning phone calls to the US.  It's only Christmas Eve in the US but we'll be sleeping through their Christmas morning and day.

Carol is cooking the second batch of deserts for today's Christmas dinner.  While she's doing that CJ takes a long exercise walk.  It's 95F when he leaves on the walk. It's 98F at his return. It's a long walk along the Riverwalk to the zoo, a trek across the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, and a return up the eerily deserted Rundle St and Rundle Mall. The return walk was mostly conducted in shade.
A small lake in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens.
What amounts to Christmas decorations along Adelaide's main shopping street.
It's not often the Rundle Mall pigs can be viewed without crowds. Is Adelaide a sister city of Smithfield?  They should be since they already have the pigs.
We're at James and Jackie's for Christmas Dinner. Over the years James has talked about mossies (mosquitos) so often, for Christmas we get him a gift pack of every anti-mosquito remedy known to man.
We enjoy a fine Christmas turkey and French cannelés.  It's been a fine Christmas, indeed.

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