Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas Carols at Historic Trinity Church

Adjacent to our apartment building is Trinity Church, one of the historic churches in the City of Churches.  It is actually the first church site in Adelaide.
Our apartment looks down on it. Do you see any sign of our 17-story high rise hotel/apartment building in the 1845 rendition?
We pick up this invitation to a caroling event.
CJ leaves Day 4 at the cricket early so we can attend the 4:30 event. There is a band, four singers to lead the caroling, a video screen projecting both the singers and band and the words to the carols.  They integrate two carols with multiple verse with a bit of Aussie humor.
One of the ministers plays the role of the host of a fictional TV show, Straight from the Horses Mouth; a show where the host interviews animals.  This evening, he'll interview the donkey that carried Mary to Bethlehem, three of the sheppard's sheep that lay waiting, two of the cows present in the manger, and one of the wise men's trusty camels. The program is clever, cute and humorous and while its entertaining the audience, it's telling the Christmas Story.
The little ones gather in front of the alter and are permitted to dance at will. They are quite cute.
Back in the apartment, we look down on the gathering of people from the second performance.

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