Saturday, December 15, 2018

Busy Week Dining Out

It's been a busy week.  We've taken in two movies, Normandy Nude, a French movie with English subtitles and Bohemian Rhapsody, which we are still talking about and looking forward to seeing again.  It's not often we pay to see a movie a second time.

CJ retrieved his "new" bike and delivered it to the shop for a refurb.

We still haven't quite returned to daily cooking in the apartment. The first movie let out at lunch and we returned to Burger Theory to try their new menu of burgers made of a mix of beef and kangaroo. They were better than the very good original beef burgers.

Following the other movie, we walked back to our end of town and returned to Bread & Bone, the other good burger joint in town. A local Christmas beer and it was not too shabby.
Afghan Charcoal Kebob provided a day and a half's lunch. It's one of our go-to places for cheap eats. And then, for two evening's dinners we had one at the Italian restaurant in Kent Town, Giallo, with Bronwyn and Neil one evening and dinner with James and Jackie at their home in our old neighborhood on another. In a traditional neighborhood, a developer had built three ultra-modern homes, we were in one, James and Jackie in one and our friend Sue who now lives in Brisbane in the middle unit.

It has been uncharacteristically cold and wet.  We've had two days of rain and more predicted for the weekend.

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