Saturday, December 22, 2018

CJ's First Bike Adventure and Surprise Visitors

The temperature has dropped and by noon the temperature is only in the low 70's.  Time for a ride through the parklands. It doesn't take long, the intersection of two of Adelaide's prime arteries (West and North Terraces), for CJ to realize the seat was set too high.  He soldiered on.

He had an ambitious program planned.  Reality kicked the heck out of it very quickly. It's been a bit too long, about five weeks since he's been on a bike. He managed a good ride through two sections of the West Parklands.  He passed by the cricket nets where the Lady Strikers were practicing.  School children were playing games on a number of other "ovals".

A bridge carries him over the first major road.  Faced with crossing Sir Donnie, and fighting the height of the bike to say nothing of tightening legs, he turns for home.

Since we are going to arrive at Sunday's Strikers match at different times, Louis is going to drop by to pick up his pass.  He informs us he's going to arrive bearing surprise visitors.

We pass a couple of fun hours drinking beer and wine and munching on sausage and cheese with Bronwyn, Neil and Louis.

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