Wednesday, June 1, 2016

On to Thailand

It's been an exciting eleven days. Since returning from Spain, Carol has been home only six days and CJ only two. During that time high anxiety hit when on the verge of departure our passports when missing for four and a half hours.

A new One World partner, Qatar, will deliver us to Bangkok via our first ever stop in the Middle East.

Qatar uses the Virgin Atlantic lounge.  We’d had such high expectation for a Branson run airline and its lounge. It can’t compare to the British Airways lounge. There is no restaurant for true business and first class passengers, no full bar, less than a third the seating, snack offerings are in only one location and less than a tenth of that available in the BA lounge. We thought it would be impossible to say but it’s not as good as the American Airlines lounge.

We pass around three hours in the lounge before beginning the 24 hour trek to Bangkok. See you on the other side of the world with its 11 hour time difference.

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