Thursday, June 9, 2016

Off to Cambodia

The flow of the river is back and floating foliage has increased.
Today is a day of transfers.  First we transfer from Ayutthaya to Don Mueang airport in Bangkok for a early afternoon flight to Siem Reap in Cambodia. During the Siem Reap airport transfer there is a serious rainstorm; the first of the vacation. During the twenty minute ride to the property, a hostess checks us in, briefs us on the amenities of our package, schedules our first tours and this evening's dinner time and selections.

Carol has booked an upscale package which on the surface sounds expensive but when the benefits are broken down is not only reasonable but one incredible value; the room might actually be free. Our room is spacious and comfortable.
We've lost power a couple of times but only for a few minutes at the most.

We have an early dinner immediately after the two hour cocktail period since tomorrow's 0400 wake-up call comes all too soon.

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