Thursday, June 9, 2016

Angkor Wat and More

0400 wake-up call prepares us for the sunrise viewing at Angkor Wat. Our room package covers a car, driver, guide and tickets. The sun rising over the temple is tempered by cloud cover. Following the guided tour of Angkor Wat the dripping wet tourists return for breakfast.
The buffet is typical of large Asian hotels. A large array of cooking and serving stations catering to all cultures. For westerners eggs, bacon, sausages, potatoes, and beans.  For Asians multiple noodle and soup stations and rice dishes. This restaurant has a crepe station and the fruit selections are magnificent; all local. We're feasting on the Asian selections and the local fruit.

At 0930 we start back-up with an initial destination of Angkor Thom. Once entering the gate, its a long drive to the temple that marks the center.  Angkor Thom is so large there are many temple sites within its forested boundaries. The touring begins at the cornerstone temple, Bayon.
We pass by the Terrace of the Elephants at Phimeanakas temple before exiting Angkor Thom by the east gate.
After visiting a couple more temples, our last visit is the temple site of the Tomb Raider movie.
The food on the trip has been superb.  Lunch today is no exception. Nothing like refreshing coconut milk direct from the coconut.
A swim, cocktails, and an evening of interesting conversations with our servers and an Austrian couple complete a long day.

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