Saturday, June 11, 2016

Shinta Mani and Downtown Siem Reap

The day starts with another breakfast that can't be beat. Shown are a few of the stations and dishes.
The time until our driver comes at 1400 is consumed by packing, the massage included in our package, lunch, a quick swim for CJ and check-out.  The snake is a cultural artifact at all the temples.  They line bridges, even modern ones. Naga is even in evidence on the pool lounges.
For lunch CJ has yet another curry dish while Carol has Fish Amok, a local specialty.
Our driver and our personal assistant transfer us to the Shinta Mani for our final evening. This hotel is located in the downtown section of Siem Reap.

This is a very different hotel.  It's designed by a famous architect and done in a black and white motif. Neighbors of ours recommended this place. The room is stunning but much smaller and the amenities far less. Just behind the hotel is the Siem Reap Brewery and Restaurant. They serve a sampler and two of the offerings are quite good. We didn't have time to return and purchase souvenirs.
During the afternoon we walk the town and find the market.  It's an indoor market with countless crowded stalls and aggressive salespeople. Open air food stalls which would never be allowed in the US, clothing, jewelry, and household goods.
As night begins to fall, we search out The Sugar Palm restaurant recommended by our new Austrian acquaintances. During our walk we find that Siem Reap is a dirty dusty city with garbage everywhere, broken down buildings and streets, and objectionable odors. It's not pleasant. We arrive dripping wet to an open air restaurant.

Carol has the recommended Fish Amok (Amok Tre in Cambodian) that takes 40 minutes to prepare. It does not disappoint. It's a fish soufflé in a pot; unique and delicious. CJ once again has a local curry.  Each curry is different. While waiting for our mains we munch on very different and very good spring rolls.
A remark (tuk tuck) motorized tricycle delivers us back for $3; and we overpaid and didn't care. At bedtime, the temperature is still 84F but feels like 96F.

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