Saturday, June 4, 2016


By plan, after the 24 hour trip, our first day in Bangkok was about rest and recovery.  We napped, dined a few times in the concierge lounge and hung out in the room.

With time zone changes and jet lag still at work, Day 2 began at 0400. Having seen all landmarks during our previous two visits, we decided to check-out another shopping mall. We don't visit malls in the US but here they are architectural and shopping marvels. On our previous visits we've dined at the Siam Paragon food court and marveled at the high end shops and car dealers in the mall (Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Masserati, etc.).

Emporium its older sibling and the adjacent EM District , the younger sibling is our destination. It had just opened last year and people at the hotel were raving about it but it didn't fit into last years schedule.  Today we'll give it a look. The hostess in the lounge cautions us not to get lost in the many buildings and floors.

It's a mile walk or the BTS Sky Train ride one station.  Under threatening skies we walk.  The BTS line runs between Emporium and EM District. Our destinations are the food court and the Helix building. The food court is good but nothing like Siam Paragon. 

The place has a huge multi-story waterfalls, an indoor green park, and many water features throughout. The Helix is unique.  It is a four story spiral "staircase".  It's actually a four story spiral promenade, flanked on each side by eateries; a virtual vertical high end food court. Unfortunately The Helix doesn't photograph well.
In the children's play area, Carol pauses to play.

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