Monday, June 20, 2016

Return Home

The trip home begins with a long day in the Marriott before departing for our late night flight to Doha. A hearty breakfast tides us over until afternoon tea at 1400.

Bangkok's airport is modern with gorgeous orchid displays and these ethnic presentations.
Qatar uses Royal Thai's lounge. Who ever heard of a lounge with liquor and beer and no wine?

Qatar Airlines has great service and very good people. We get a bit of sleep on the first flight, a bit more in the lounge in Doha, and quite a bit on the 13 hour flight to Washington.
Before sleep, one must get into their Qatar jammies, even more comfortable than the Roo jammies of Qantas. Do you only get jammies on airlines beginning with the letter "Q"?
Here's something you don't see on most flights.
Qatar might be the only airline that's made the boring safety briefing not only worth watching but doing so over and over; and taking pictures. Since they own Football Barcelona FCB, Lionel Messi's team, the build the entire briefing around the players and soccer themes.  This heart throb is Carol's favorite.  His walking through the airport is the prelude to swooning ladies needing oxygen masks.  The guy caught smoking in the lavatory gets red carded by the referred.
Somewhere over northern Iran or Turkey CJ observes snow covered mountains just before turning in.
It's been a wonderful trip.  The Thai and Cambodian people are wonderful and friendly.  We had great service everywhere we went.  Now if only they could turn down the heat a bit.

As the song goes, "See you in September." The blog will be back online in late September when we head off to France for a wedding. Or perhaps if CJ needs relief from work again sooner.

Until then cheers.

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