Friday, June 10, 2016

Here a temple, there a temple

After another superb breakfast at the hotel we depart at 0930 for another morning of temple touring.

Today we explore the Angkor complex "outer loop." Transiting through Angkor Thom and exiting from the North Gate, we first tour Preah Khan temple. This temple is built with four long halls intersecting in a central room.
It's even hotter than yesterday with a reported temperature at 97F with a feel like at or over 104F. If we didn't have the air-conditioned car, ice water, and chilled towels waiting after each temple, we'd never make it to the second and third temples.

Neak Pean is a small temple surrounded by water and four chapels each with its own square pool.
Our final visit of the day is East Mebon. This temple in ancient times was surrounded by a huge manmade lake. One cannot imagine how big huge really is until one sees it. In the second picture the flat terrace is the original dock for the boats coming to the temple.
We request and receive a driving tour of Siem Reap downtown on the return to our hotel. Since he's hot and sweaty anyway, CJ finally has a chance to enjoy the floating bed on our patio.
The intense heat and temple climbing dictates the remainder of the day. Showers, the Khmer lunch, naps, cocktail time in the lounge and an evening relaxing in the room round out the day.
It is our last evening with these two great lounge attendants.

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