Sunday, May 22, 2016

Return to Dulles

We could have made it through the entire trip without turning on a television had it not been for the loss of the EgyptAir plane. With the cause unknown, catching today's plane is a bit unsettling.

The Iberia lounge in Madrid is architecturally interesting, food isn't very good, and selection of booze extensive. 
BA isn't having a great day today.  They've changed the seats we paid extra to select, the lounge has already stopped serving the lunch curry, Carol gets selected for random screening of her small plastic bag of liquids, and CJ fails the metal detector having no metal on his body.
We arrive back in Washington to find temperatures unexpectedly 20 degrees colder than normal.  In fact, its the coldest place in America. Nothing has changed, its still raining as it was when we left and has been the entire time we've been gone.
Next blog begins in 11 days when we arrive in Bangkok.  See you then!

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