Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The City of Sciences

Today is culture day.  We begin with El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe . It the largest building in the complex.  It is a science museum with numerous interactive displays covering most of fields of science. There is a Tesla exhibit but unfortunately most of the displays are presented in Spanish only. We likely would have lingered longer had there been more English language translations and few rude Spanish schoolchildren.
Most of our day is spent at L'Oceanogràfic. Fish, birds and sea mammals abound, some 45,000 of them. There are 16 buildings of displays and tanks, many of them interconnected.

An aviary is dedicated to a small number of sea birds, turtles, and catfish.
If you ever wondered what it would be like having lunch while diving we came as close as possible. Dining at Restaurante Submarine at the Oceanografic, a below water restaurant, we dined while sharks, rays, fish and flounder raced within inches of our table.
The window of fish is touching the table.  Depending on where the fish are when they swim past, they are between inches and feet away but never more the six feet. The sharks and rays are on the floor four feet from CJ's chair.  The ray swimming past is less than two feet.
Now you'd think this restaurant located at the aquarium would be a tourist rip-off. A fixed menu delivered two entrées, a main course and desert all of which were very good. A foie gras with Pedro Ximinez reduction, raw scallop and avocado salad, noodle dish, tuna tataki, seafood rice for two, a berry dish, and frozen coconut and chocolate and curry .
With a huge lunch like this served between three and four, we had another dinnerless evening.

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