Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Valencia Old Town

Today we visit the old town.  From our hotel it's a pleasant walk through a river turned public park and gardens. This is a continuation of the park with the buildings of yesterday and continues for miles around the old city and beyond.

We pass under ancient bridges with landmarks looking down on us. There are sporting fields down here in the park along with walking, biking and jogging trails.
We enter into old town by the Tour de Serranos.
The map of the city doesn't have the granularity to get us to the Mercado Central. After asking a number of Spanish-only speaking locals, we find our way to this place which is much larger than the Adelaide Central Market. The seafood section of this place is huge.

Just outside of the market we find a restaurant offering three courses for 10 Euros. It's a great find. The only is constantly assuring potential customers that it "really is three courses for only 10 Euros".
Check out the tasty eyeballs on the squid! We ask the owner directions to our next stop and after our meal he personally escorts us to the place.
After visits to the main square and tourist office where our AVE ticket gets us discounts to tomorrow's activities, we return to the hotel for siesta.

We elect to not wander far from home base for dinner and return to the same restaurant as last evening. We have a great time winning over the owner. He began the evening putting up with the goofy uncouth American's and ended the evening wondering if we were English speaking Spaniards. It was one of those special evenings and the reason we travel abroad.

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