Monday, December 29, 2014

Monaco and Eze

We awake to a beautiful sunrise over the Med and the boat basin below our room.

Although Monaco's Palace may not be the most beautiful in the world, its location has to be in the top ten. Sited high on a cliff overlooking Monaco and Cap d'Ail it has a commanding view of the Mediterranean Sea into Italy.

CJ makes a short tour of the cathedral where Prince Rainer and Princess Grace were married and are buried.

Unable to catch a taxi at the summit, a town bus delivers us to the Monaco Christmas market where after a short period we are able to hail a taxi and get back on the road to Chateaurenard.

Carol decides she has recovered sufficiently for a stop in Eze.  It's yet another unique village perched atop a huge rock.

We leave the south and its 50 degree F temperatures and return to Avignon where the temperature has dropped to near or below freezing.

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