Wednesday, December 31, 2014

From Provence to Brittany

For our final evening with Christian and Dominique, we have a local wine, a Corsican wine and one of CJ's Australian selections to accompany courses of terrine, merguez and magret.
A morning TGV delivers us to Paris where we change stations for the TGV to Brest. In spite of our fears, the transfer is very easy. The taxi queue is short, there are taxi/bus lanes most of the way, and traffic is not bad during this holiday period.

The TGV to Brest is not really.  The train travels at TGV speeds for part of the way to Rennes. After that is travels at or just above normal train speeds finally explaining the four and a half hour trip.

Welcome drinks are enjoyed in the Great Room of Meznaot in front of a roaring fire. CJ overindulged on the cous cous to the point that he cannot enjoy the fine cheese course offering.


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