Friday, December 26, 2014


Our French son Vincent graciously offers to accompany us to Marseille and provide an expert tour.  He went to university there and currently is studying for his PHD and working in Marseille.

As we approach the sea the winds are up to gusts of over 30mph making a relatively warm day feel very cold. Our first stop is at the very south of the city at Presqu'ile du Cap Croisette. We have discovered a second "wild coast" in France.

Notre-Dame de la Garde with its commanding views of the city and bay is our second stop. The interior reminds us of orthodox churches in Russia.


A very popular pizzeria is selected for a quick lunch.  The city has become quite crowded in the afternoon so the final two tour stops wait another visit.  Vincent is dropped at the TGV station and we make our way to Monaco.

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