Monday, December 15, 2014


The biggest market in Belgium, the Marche du Midi is a Sunday market located adjacent to the train station.

A one hour train ride deposits us in Bruges. We finally have a sunny, if not hand chilling cold day. This is a postcard beautiful city where photo ops abound.

A canal ride doesn't seem appropriate in such cold weather but we decide to join the hundreds partaking. The city is as scenic from the canals as was Amsterdam.

We're attracted to the Beer Wall and the attached 2be Bar. The wall contains every beer in Belgium and its glass.  Here all beers are served in a specific named glass. There is a never ending long line to purchase beer. A desired refill sends you once again to the back of the line.

At Bierbrasserie Cambrinus, the lunch menu is relatively short, the beer menu extensive running 54 pages. The sampler provides only one to our liking although all four are adequate.

This bottle is excellent.  In spite of the number of available selections, we take a second of this.

Laden down with exotic Belgium beers another pleasant train ride returns us to Brussels.

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